The following options are available:
1. Gateway NBM100
2. User licence
VISIOCONTROL 4.0 - User licence for 1 year
3. Individual set-up
Customised set-up of plant visualisation and reporting
4. Package of license and set-up
NBM100 Gateway and2-Year Licence for VISIOCONTROL 4.0This contains a plant image in GUI design and includes standard feature set as listed below:
Display of the actuators, the compound curves, as well as the O2/ CO- and their learning curves
Thus also of the load and the current values of O2, COe, NOx from the LAMTEC measuring systems
Furthermore, the status of the digital inputs and outputs
Faults are stored as events
The same applies to plant start and plant stop
1 x mail notification to one person in the event of a fault
1 x SMS notification in the event of a fault on a connection
5. Modem without SIM card
LTE/3G modem for mobile network connection of the NBM100 - without SIM card.