The principle is based to the Bernoulli theory, which means, that the total kinetically energy of the flow-stream neglecting the friction, - stays the same, namely the sum of the dynamic and static pressure. The Stagnation Pressure Grid overs partially the area of the duct, so that it increases the flow-speed in reference and relation of the static pressure. This pressure is measured on special positioned openings. The on this way measured pressure difference is 2- to 3 - times higher, then the middle dynamically pressure in the duct flow-stream, for which the flow-speed has to be within of 3 and 40 m/sec.
The parallel adjusted pipes (with closed ends) build up an open grid across the duct area rectangular to the stream axis. Some of these pipes have openings to read the total pressure, other pipes are taking the reference pressure. These two pressures are feed into separate summing-pipes and also to separate connecting stubs. The pressure difference of these two values define the transmitter output signal.